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The Dare


This was a large group project done for my second year of university. We decided to create a 2D top-down horror game using C++ and the SFML library.

This module was made to simulate what it would be like working in the games industry as we were marked on whether we hit dead lines and organised ourselves well.

My main role was of game play programmer, implementing features such as movement, shooting, health, audio triggers and collision. We were generally happy with how this project turned out, however the fun factor wasn't all there due to us not play testing frequently.

Some of the things we were proud of as programmers where :

1. Implementing a TMX map importer so the designers could use Tiled (A 2D tile map editor) and we could just import the file straight into the game with little to no modifications.

2. Creating a simple lighting system using transparent bitmaps and a simple shader to create the illusion of lighting. This was a feature we decided we needed in the game as it would create a much more unsettling atmosphere.

Programmers - Joe Thomas, Alan Massimba Walker

Artists - Alec Morris, Nick Pilbim, Dianna McRae

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