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Audio Mixer

Unity, C#

Audio Mixer Trailer

Audio Mixer Trailer

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Audio Mixer was a solo project I undertook during my placement to learn more about Unity and it's audio components, as I still quite new to it at the time.

As seen in the video to the left, this application allows you to add different shapes to the stage, each playing a different sound on the varying layers.

I made it so the user could drop a sound in at any time and it will always be in time with the other instruments. As well as this, I have added the ability to record the track you create, as the game remembers all the music pieces you add/remove, allowing you to play it back after recording has finished.

I tried experimented with manipulating the shapes of the stage pieces based on the wave-forms created by each sound, however I feel like this needs a bit more work as it looks quite jumpy.

I am quite happy how this has turned out as it was supposed to just be a learning project but ended up being quite a  fun little game to play around with, especially when passed around and played on a mobile device.

Some features I would like to add eventually are:

  • Ability to change around the library of sound effects.

  • A more robust music visualizer, possibly with some shader effects.

  • Save the track you have recorded to your hard drive and load them back in.

  • Generally clean the UI and make it look more appealing.

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